
Thursday, April 10, 2014

Habits of Graphic Designers Part 2


Last week, we talked about habits that sets you apart from other designers? Here are a couple of more habits that can help you set yourself apart from other designers.

Time Management

Be aware of how long something takes! Time Management is one of the hardest things to handle when designing anything. When designing you are not going to cut a project short and hand someone a design that looks like garbage, because you either will not have a job or you will not be in business long. Carefully planning out a project before starting from how are you going to solve the problem at handinstead of just jumping into it and moving things around the page. Start with a hand sketches, and mockups before jumping into Photoshop, Illustrator or on the computer. 

Following Up

Follow ups are the most important part of being an designer! As a designer people love to know that you are hungry and want the work. However, as you are following up please do not hound people because they will think that you have nothing better to do and that their project will make or break you. Look professional not desperate.

Not too much Social Media  

It's good to stay informed with latest news, technology, design, or business. But don't just sit there for hours on end reading article after article or Tweet after Tweet. Social media doesn't make you money unless you are the one sending out the Tweet. Set a time limit on how much you sit down and interact on social media. 45 minutes each day is good! 

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